Monday, April 16, 2012

NWO: Monsanto 'Knowingly Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects

NWO: Monsanto 'Knowingly Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of  Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused "devastating birth defects" in their children.

The farmers are now suing not only Monsanto on behalf of their children, but many big tobacco giants as well. The birth defects that the farmers say occurred as a result are many, and include cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, psychomotor retardation, missing fingers, and blindness.

The farmers come from small family-owned farms in Misiones Province and sell their tobacco to many United States distributors. The family farmers say that major tobacco companies like the Philip Morris company asked them to use Monsanto’s herbicides and pesticides, assuring them that the products were safe. Through asserting that the toxic chemicals were safe, the farmers state in their claim that the tobacco companies "wrongfully caused the parental and infant plaintiffs to be exposed to those chemicals and substances which they both knew, or should have known, would cause the infant offspring of the parental plaintiffs to be born with devastating birth defects."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

NWO: If we all agree that there is a problem, we must respect each other’s solutions


If we all agree that there is a problem, we must respect each other’s solutions

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle.

J.G. Vibes
Activist Post

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed that the freedom movement is quickly becoming just as polarized and divided as the mainstream political circles that are presented in the media.  While it is absolutely important that we stay true to our individual principles, that doesn’t mean that it is productive for us to immediately disregard anyone who doesn’t see the world exactly as we see it.  Likewise, this especially does not give us the right to belittle or ridicule those who have different ideas than we do.

The truth is that we all have blind spots in our thinking, and we all have things to learn from other people.  It is possible to have a friendly conversation with someone who sees the world completely different from you, without sacrificing your beliefs and without expecting them to sacrifice theirs.

That’s not to say that there are no right or wrong answers, because in many cases there are things which can be verified and proven, but standing on opposing ends of an issue and shoving ideas down one another’s throats as fast as possible is how the republicrats communicate, it is not how we should be communicating in the freedom movement.

For those of us standing outside of the left/right political paradigm we can see the stagnation and inefficiency that is caused by this sort of divisive approach at communication and problem solving.  Debates in political circles are always centered more around scoring points and showing off, instead of being focused on actually solving the problems at hand, which is one of the many reasons why there are never any real “political” solutions to any of the world’s problems.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

NWO: Anti-Iranian propaganda and disinformation courtesy of AEI

NWO: Anti-Iranian propaganda and disinformation courtesy of AEI

Friday, April 13, 2012

NWO: Iran allegedly identifies and arrests Israeli terrorist cell ‘preparing to carry out terrorist acts’

Iran allegedly identifies and arrests Israeli terrorist cell ‘preparing to carry out terrorist acts’

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced that they have identified and captured a “major terrorist group” also characterized as “a large and sophisticated Israeli terror and sabotage network” after months of intelligence gathering.

In the recent past there have also been reports of Israeli commandos already operating in Iran, supposedly in an attempt to uncover a smoking gun which would give the West the green light to overtly attack Iran.

In November of last year, an Iranian lawmaker announced that they captured a dozen agents of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who were working with the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and in February of this year U.S. officials confirmed that the Mossad has been training and running assassination operations in Iran through the terrorist group, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

Given the many mysterious incidents and indications of foul play in Iran, this announcement is hardly surprising, although one can be safe in assuming that Israel and its allies will act as if the accusation came out of the blue and holds no merit.

Jerusalem World News characterized the announcement as “long on rhetoric but short on information,” although they do note that “Iran’s official IRNA news agency and the semi-official Fars said details of the intelligence operation would be released later.”

Thursday, April 12, 2012

NWO: The Real Cost of the Australian Carbon Tax

The Real Cost of the Australian Carbon Tax

Andrew Puhanic, Contributor
Activist Post

On July 1, 2012, the Australian Government will introduce a Globalist-backed carbon tax. The carbon tax will begin at a fixed price of $23 per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere.

Cloaked by the lies and deception of the science that has persuaded the Australian Government that climate change is real, the Globalists have now began to change the fundamental structure of the booming Australian economy. The real cost of a carbon tax on the Australian economy and how it will affect Australian families directly was hidden by the Globalists and the Australian Government when they were selling the carbon tax to the Australian public. Now that Australia is about to introduce a Globalist carbon tax, Australian businesses have begun to change the way they do business in Australia and this is now impacting ordinary Australians.

Firstly, the immediate impact of a carbon tax will be felt by charitable organizations. The Salvation Army, one of Australia’s largest charitable organizations, has revealed that a carbon tax will cost them an additional $3.5 million dollars and that this could impact on the services they provide to about 300,000 people a year of which includes emergency accommodation and drug and alcohol counseling.

Secondly, to make matters even worse for charitable organisations and ordinary Australians, electricity companies are refusing to tell struggling families and businesses exactly how much the carbon tax will add to their power bills.

The Australian federal government estimates electricity prices will increase by up to 10 per cent when the tax kicks in on July 1, 2012, however there have been reports that electricity prices will in fact increase by up to 20% and more.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NWO: Arsenic, caffeine, banned antibiotics, pharmaceuticals and more found in chickens

Arsenic, caffeine, banned antibiotics, pharmaceuticals and more found in chickens

Madison Ruppert, Contributor
Activist Post

Many people are well aware of the fact that chickens are regularly given roxarsone, what amounts to arsenic, in an attempt to both fight parasites and increase the growth rate of chickens while making the flesh of the chicken that certain “appetizing” shade of pink.

However, the worrisome substances in present in the chickens we eat do not end there. This is just one of the many fronts in the war on our health and the freedom to choose foods free from extraneous chemicals. For more on this subject, listen to our interview with Heather Callaghan of Activist Post on End the Lie radio below:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

NWO: Monsanto’s Roundup Altering the Physical Shape of Amphibians

Monsanto’s Roundup Altering the Physical Shape of Amphibians

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

Monsanto’s Roundup, which is the most popular herbicide used today, has been found to ignite morphological changes in amphibians.
The research, conducted using tadpoles, found that environmentally relevant concentrations of Roundup are enough to cause two species of amphibians to actually change shape. This is the first research to show that herbicides can have such an effect on animals.

Setting up outdoor tanks closely resembling the environment of natural wetlands, study researcher Rick Relyea, University of Pittsburgh professor of biological sciences in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and director of Pitt’s Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, added 3 tadpoles to each tank and exposed them to a range of Roundup concentrations over a 3 week period. The cages also contained large predators, which naturally cause changes in tadpole morphology. These natural changes include a larger tail, due to chemical emissions.

While it wasn’t surprising to see morphological changes take part due to the naturally emitted chemicals from predators, it was rather shocking to find out that Roundup had the same effects — causing the tails of the tadpoles to grow in size.

What’s more, the combination of the naturally emitted chemicals and Roundup caused the tadpoles’ tails to grow twice as large.

Monday, April 9, 2012

NWO: DARPA seeks more lifelike humanoid robots in upcoming Grand Challenge

NWO: DARPA seeks more lifelike humanoid robots in upcoming Grand Challenge

Madison Ruppert, Contributor
Activist Post

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is now looking for more lifelike humanoid robots to add to the military’s arsenal, which already has some quite creepy devices in the work including the SAFFiR robot, the jumping “sand flea” robot and an unbelievably fast legged robot.

DARPA’s next contest will task robotics specialists around the globe with the behemoth challenge of creating robots capable of navigating their surroundings and even handle tools with skills and dexterity near that of a human. One must expect that DARPA will have high standards this year given the recent leaps forward the military has made when it comes to robotics.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

NWO: Texas Tornado Outbreak Illustrates HAARP Signatures

NWO: Texas Tornado Outbreak Illustrates HAARP Signatures

Nicholas West
Activist Post

It is indisputable that weather weapons have been considered as a means for agricultural and societal control.  Elite grand master, Zbigniew Brzezinski, stated in his book Between Two Ages (1970) that "Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." (Source)  Moreover, it is a stated military goal to "Own the Weather by 2025."

This HAARP facility and its substations scattered throughout the U.S. have been tracked by intrepid weather researcher Dutchsinse who has made some startlingly accurate predictions based on the tell-tale radar flares of these facilities, already linked to earthquakes in the area of the New Madrid seismic zone.

Beyond earthquakes, however, there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that the injection of frequencies into storm systems can prolong, or intensify their output. The massive system that moved through the Dallas area yesterday seems to bear the signatures of a similar frequency injection that Dutchsinse has used to predict previous tornado outbreaks.  The patterns show up as HAARP rings (circle sweeps) or scalar squares (square waves) which are pinpointed below.

Incidentally, I have two friends who live in the Dallas area and they observed very different cloud behavior than previous tornadic systems. Whether or not HAARP is to blame in this instance, the manipulation of earth's ionosphere should not go without further open-minded study.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

NWO: Russian destroyer heads for Syrian port: Report

Russian destroyer heads for Syrian port: Report

A Russian navy destroyer has set out on a planned mission to the Syrian port of Tartus, where it will arrive in a few days, reports say.
According to Russian military officials the warship left its Black Sea base of Sevastopol for the Mediterranean during the weekend and will soon arrive at Syria’s second largest port of Tartus.
Navy officials said that the ship would receive fresh supplies of food and water before carrying out planned exercises maneuvers near the Syrian coast.

“This will be a purely technical port call that is conducted by almost all Russian navy ships conducting exercises in the Mediterranean,” Interfax news agency quoted a senior source in the Russian navy as saying.
The team on board the destroyer will not be leaving the ship while it is docked, the source added.
The Port of Tartus that lies on Syria’s western shores is the only base used by Russia in the Mediterranean Sea.

Friday, April 6, 2012

NWO: Euro zone unemployment reaches near 15-year high

(Reuters) – Unemployment in the euro zone reached its highest level in almost 15 years in February, with more than 17 million people out of work, and economists said they expected job office queues to grow even longer later this year.

Joblessness in the 17-nation currency zone rose to 10.8 percent – in line with a Reuters poll of economists – and 0.1 points worse than in January, Eurostat said on Monday.

Economists are divided over the wisdom of European governments’ drive to bring down fiscal deficits so aggressively as economic troubles hit tax revenues, consumers’ spending power and business confidence which collapsed late last year.

February’s unemployment level – last hit in June 1997 – marked the 10th straight monthly rise and contrasts sharply with the United States where the economy has been adding jobs since late last year.

“We expect it to go higher, to reach 11 percent by the end of the year,” said Raphael Brun-Aguerre, an economist at JP Morgan in London. “You have public sector job cuts, income going down, weak consumption. The economic growth outlook is negative and is going to worsen unemployment.”

Separate data released on Monday showed manufacturing activity in the euro zone shrank for an eighth successive month in March, providing further evidence for Brussels’ forecast that euro zone output will shrink 0.3 percent this year.

The European Commission, which along with Berlin is a driving force behind the EU’s debt reduction strategy, said joblessness showed countries must enact difficult reforms.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

NWO: Genetics and Humanity's Future

NWO: Genetics and Humanity's Future

Our ability to create an educated, informed, responsible citizenry will determine whether our collective future is bright or a nightmarish dystopia.

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer

Imagine a human cell is like a car -- a piece of machinery serving a particular task. Imagine the cell's genetic instructions like a driver. The machine's potential is determine as much by its engineering and design as it is by its operator. The same could be said about a human cell and the instructions carried within its DNA.

Our genetic code is what makes us who we are -- it determines predispositions that may help or hinder us throughout our lives. And while our ability to reason and invent can help us overcome many of our genetic predispositions, there are many that cannot currently be overcome -- or require costly, inadequate solutions to do so.

One such genetic predisposition is hemophilia - a genetic condition that prevents the blood from properly clotting. Such a condition can allow an otherwise minor injury to become potentially life threatening -- as no matter how long one waits with hemophilia, they continue to bleed. A series of pharmaceutical treatments have been developed to manage the symptoms of hemophilia and preserve the lives of those with the condition, but until now, little progress has been made in addressing the cause -- a fault found within one's genetic code.

Just as changing or training a deficient driver can exponentially improve the performance of a car, tweaking the genetic code can likewise improve the performance of one's cells and in turn one's collective physiology. An example of this being done today comes to us from University College London and St Jude Children's Research Hospital who have been doing revolutionary work toward curing hemophilia.

The method of "training the driver" in this case comes in the form of identifying the part of genetic code responsible for causing hemophilia and replacing it. A virus is used -- replacing its genetic material with a corrected form of human code -- to deliver the correction to targeted cells from the patient. When a cell reproduces, human DNA replicates in a process comparable to copying a document - whatever exists in the corrected DNA code is perpetuated with each and every new copy made during cell division.

Image: One method of gene therapy - taking human cells, "editing" them genetically, and reinserting them into the human body where they will replicate and carry out their newly designed functions. (Microsoft Encarta Online Concise Encyclopedia)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

NWO: America is Freemasonry’s “New Atlantis”

NWO: America is Freemasonry’s “New Atlantis”

The United States of America has never been a country in its own right. It was established by British Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of ‘freedom for the people.’

By John Hamer

Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis as an ideal society destroyed in some unknown cataclysmic event, thousands of years previously.

This event may have been a gigantic tsunami, an earthquake or the result of massive volcanic activity, but the real reason for its sudden demise is not known.

Ever since Plato’s description of this ‘utopian’ world became widely known, the elites have attempted to recreate it in all its glory.

In the early 17th century, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote his classic work ‘The New Atlantis’, citing America as the ideal location for the fulfilment of the long-held dreams of the Rosicrucians and the other forerunners of Freemasonry.

Bacon was the leader of the Rosicrucian movement and the fledgling organisation that would become the Freemasonry. The Rosicrucians and Freemasons arrived in America in their great numbers during the mass migrations of the first half of the seventeenth century.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

NWO: UN-Backed Scientists Call For Mega-City Population Lockup

Jurriaan Maessen
In a recent statement put out by “Planet Under Pressure” several scientists call for denser cities in order to mitigate worldwide population growth. When in doubt that UN’s Agenda 21 is not the Mein Kampf of our day, one should consider yet another in-your-face confession from yet another certified biocratic control freak
According to an MSNBC article one of the scientists while speaking about human populations worldwide, stated:
“We certainly don’t want them strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely [together].”

Insisting the world’s population be locked up within the confounds of mega-cities, the elite realizes that if the herd is to be properly controlled walls are needed- thick walls, and by constructing these walls, making the masses go this or that way will be made easier..
Chief scientist Michail Fragkias involved with “Planet under Pressure” told MSNBC that “the answer (to population growth) is denser cities.”

Monday, April 2, 2012

NWO: Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing DNA Damage

Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing DNA Damage

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

There is a reason that masks are worn while applying herbicides, and warning signs are erected upon recently sprayed land plots; herbicide exposure is known to cause serious health complications.

New research has recently been released showing that glyphosate, the main active ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup Ultra Max, is causing both DNA and cellular damage to cells found in the mouth and throat.

Seeing as the inhalation of herbicides and ingredients like glyphosate is very common, this research alone is enough to raise concern over the safety of such substances which are used on a major scale.

The Institute of Science in Society reports:
…Monsanto’s formulated version of glyphosate called Roundup Ultra Max caused cellular damage and DNA damage including chromosomal abnormalities and ultimately killed the cells at higher concentrations. Importantly, DNA damage occurred at concentrations below those required to induce cell damage, suggesting that the DNA damage was caused directly by glyphosate instead of being an indirect result of cell toxicity.